Unsure as to what to expect on each day of exams? The Junior Cert timetable is one of the worst things a student will see all year. The timetable will be monitored closely by every student completing the Junior Cert. It may look as daunting as anything you have ever seen before, but trust us…
Tips on the French Letter/ Postcard/ Note. The French Letter/Postcard/Note carries more points than any other section of the exam, and with the right mindset and knowledge, it is very easy to get excellent marks. This part of the exam is actually a lot more straightforward than people seem to think, and here are a…
It’s so important to know your dates! The Junior Cert timetable has been out quite a while now, but many students still won’t be familiar with how each day goes until the night before! It’s really important to visualise how each day will go like. Study the timetable and make sure you know the dates…
Maths – What Do I Do? Maths is a subject that not many students enjoy. It can throw up some of the most difficult questions you will encounter in the whole Junior Certificate. Without question, maths is a very challenging subject, but here at JC-Learn we are doing everything we can to make it that…
Tips on avoiding distractions: For students sitting the Junior Cert in June, there is no denying the fact that the next few weeks are going to be tough. Students will be expected to minimise time spent on things they may enjoy such as going on social media, watching television, going out with their friends, and…
How To Make €20 Easily .. Again And Again! Desperate to find a way to earn easy money to spend after June? Can you not find any job which provides you with good money? Here at LC-Learn, we have a truly great offer which no student could reject. Click HERE if you want to earn…
How To Make €20 Easily .. Again And Again! Desperate to find an easy way to make some money to spend after June? Can you not find any job which provides you with good money? Here at JC-Learn, we have a truly great offer which no student could reject. If you do not know JC-Learn,…
Art Project Advice The art project can be one of the most stressful parts of the entire Junior Cert. It is a yearlong burden which constantly needs attention and can be a little bit overwhelming. Art is often seen as one of the most difficult subjects to achieve a high grade in the Junior Certificate….
Staying motivated. It was once said that “Entrepreneurship is about spending a few years of your life like others won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your lives like others can’t”, I think this quote can be related to students doing their Junior cert in many ways – only in this case we…

As a parent, you would be very surprised at the powerful influence you have on your childs success in the Junior or Leaving Cert. You are one of the few people constantly with them. A child often mirrors their parents, whether it is through personality, intelligence levels, or just general traits. Attitudes coming from a…