Leaving Cert Timetable – Vital To Know Dates!
The Leaving Cert timetable for 2019 has just come out. However, many students won’t be familiar with how each day goes until the night before! It’s really important to visualise how each day will go like. Study the timetable and make sure you know the dates and times well before the exams.
It’s good practice to mentally prepare yourself for each day as some days will obviously be more stressful than others so try to anticipate these days! Generally, the first day is always the worst, as you are not used to the pressure. However, after the first-day things get a little bit easier.
In relation to the timetable as a whole, it’s hard to comment on which subjects are easiest and which are hardest as everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. However, I would say as long as you keep calm and imagine your brain as if it were a folder. All you need to do is pluck out the right information from this folder! Of course, you must study and work relentlessly hard throughout the year in order for all of that information to be in your head for starters, but it’s a challenge you can overcome.
It’s advisable to print the Leaving Cert timetable off (see below) and stick it up in your room! Once again, if you want to perform strongly in the Leaving Certificate check out our site for all the subject notes you need, for years of past A-grade exam answers, and for all the top tips in the subjects. Sign up here!
Print off your Leaving Cert timetable here: